Critica, Mídias e Memória. Uma cultura transatlântica [Criticism, Media and Memory. A Transatlantic Culture]
Ortiz dos Santos, Daniela, with Priscilla Alves Peixoto, Guilherme Bueno, Joana Mello, Mario Magalhaes and Rute Figueiredo (eds.)
Ortiz dos Santos, Daniela, with Priscilla Alves Peixoto, Guilherme Bueno, Joana Mello, Mario Magalhaes and Rute Figueiredo (eds.). Critica, Mídias e Memória. Uma cultura transatlântica, Cadernos PROARQ, the Journal of the Graduate Program in Architecture, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 43 (Dec, 2024), DOI:10.37180/2675-0392-n43-11
Open Access Articles Available Here:
The Thematic edition #43 of the journal CADERNOS PROARQ presents essays and due research that focus on criticism and the presentation of the means of assembling an architectural memory that demonstrates the cultural exchange promoted “in-between seas”, but also by instances of thoughts that are in dialogue. Building this scope and the analysis process of this edition we may find the special editors Priscilla Peixoto, Daniela Ortiz dos Santos, Guilherme Bueno, Joana Mello de Carvalho e Silva, Mário Magalhães and Rute Figueiredo, specially invited by the Editorial Committee to lead this intellectual production.
The texts presented in this edition are the result of a Call for submissions from researchers in the fields of architecture, urbanism and related areas, as well as of the presentation of works derived from the II Colóquio Crítica, Mídia e Memória | Transatlantic Dialogues in Architecture, taking place in 2024 – all submitted and evaluated in a double-blind process.
The edition, therefore, brings together bibliographical contents that analyzes the critical operation in architecture – its objects, its practices and its actors – constituted in the Atlantic transit. It addresses the different mediation mechanisms (translations, publications and international meetings) that made it possible to structure networks of relationships, contact and exchange between social actors from different critical cultures on the shores of this ocean and which, above all, intersect it.
Contributions by Paolo Scrivano, Valeria Casali, Tatiana Letter Pinto, Frederico Holanda, Marta Avena and Roberto Rizzi, Yi Guo, Luiza Apolinario Rangel Victorino, Karolina de Paula Koppke, Rute Figueiredo, Priscilla Peixoto, Margareth da Silva Pereira, and Lorenzo Gatta.