13.09. – 14.09.2022
• online
Architectural criticism, medias and memory
Architectural criticism, medias and memory is a colloquium to be held on 13‒14 September 2022, in a hybrid format, at the Post-Graduate Programme in Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (FAU UFRJ).
The meeting is dedicated to the historiography of architectural criticism and will gather researchers of universities in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, France, Germany, Portugal and Switzerland.
The starting point lies in the production of architectural criticism propagated in Brazil in the 1950s, especially acknowledged through texts by Brazilian intellectuals as Mário Pedrosa and Lina Bo Bardi, as well as those published in specialised architectural journals. However, the colloquium will not be limited to such cases.
The researchers participating in the meeting will broaden the debate by approaching the different constellations of critics of that time. Regarding those critics, researchers will also bring into a framework the shared projects, tensions and various temporalities that occurred in their work.
Finally, moving through an epoch when the scale of media diffusion multiplied and broadened – large circulation newspapers, illustrated magazines, non-specialized magazines and cinema – the meeting encourages the participants to discuss the different ways of criticism circulation and the impact of these modes of diffusion in the writing of history.
The lectures will have simultaneous interpreting (Portuguese and English).
André Costa, Ciro Miguel, Daniela Ortiz dos Santos, Elane Ribeiro Peixoto, Ethel Pinheiro Santana, Guilherme da Silva Bueno, Hélène Jannière, Heliana Angotti-Salgueiro, Ingrid Quintana Guerrero, Ivair Reinaldim, Joana Mello de Carvalho e Silva, Junia Cambraia Mortimer, Liz Sandoval, Margareth da Silva Pereira, Maria Beatriz Camargo Capello, Patricia Mendez, Paula Gorenstein Dedecca, Priscilla Alves Peixoto, Rute Figueiredo e Ruth Verde Zein
Scientific Committee
Priscilla Alves Peixoto (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) – coordination, Daniela Ortiz dos Santos (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main), Elane Ribeiro Peixoto (Universidade Federal de Brasília), Joana Mello de Carvalho e Silva (Universidade de São Paulo) and Rute Figueiredo (Escola Superior Artística do Porto and Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa)
Pesquisa História da Crítica da Arquitetura | Laboratório de Narrativas Arquitetônicas | Programa de Pós-graduação em Arquitetura | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Laboratório de Estudos da Urbe| Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo | Universidade Federal de Brasília (LabeUrbe-FAUNB)
Grupo de pesquisa Arquivos, fontes e narrativas: entre cidade, arquitetura e design | Faculdade e Arquitetura e Urbanismo | Universidade de São Paulo
Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo | Escola Superior Artística do Porto | Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
Center for Critical Studies in Architecture | Goethe University Frankfurt am Main