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Di 15.11.2022


• online


Emotion, Mission, Architecture. Building Hospitals in Persia 1865–1914

Moderation: Frederike Lausch

In this talk, Sara Honarmand Ebrahimi introduces her book »Emotion, Mission, Architecture. Building Hospitals in Persia and British India, 1865–1914«. She will first explain how her book brings histories of missionaries and their medicine and architecture together and engages with the field of the history of emotions to contribute a new (architectural) history of Christian mission and imperialism. She will then discuss the question of the place of emotions in the process of historical research and whether historians should pay attention to the emotional components of their work.

Sara Honarmand Ebrahimi is a Humboldt Research Fellow at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. Her research interests address the multifaceted origins of ideas and practices in the history of international health and architecture and consider the history of emotions as a way of doing architectural history. Her first book entitled, »Emotion, Mission, Architecture. Building Hospitals in Persia and British India, 1865–1914«, will be published by Edinburgh University Press in November 2022.

CCSA Talks takes place via Zoom and will be later available on the CCSA YouTube-Channel.

Image: Entrance to the Church Missionary Society Hospital in Kerman, Iran, 1914–1927. Photo: Sara Honarmand Ebrahimi

Entrance to the Church Missionary Society Hospital in Kerman, Iran, 1914–1927.