Summer Semester
• Campus Westend, Goethe University Frankfurt
Seminar & Study Trip
Daniela Ortiz dos Santos
18.04.23 Introduction
25.04.23 Restoration & Ruins
– Main text: John Ruskin, John. The Seven Lamps of Architecture, London: George Allen, 1903 (first edition published in 1849, excerpts)
– Supporting text: Spurr, David. “Figures of Ruin and Restoration: Ruskin and Viollet-Le-Duc.” In Architecture and Modern Literature, 142–61. University of Michigan Press, 2012.
Further reading: Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel, Entretiens sur l’architecture, Paris: Morel, 1863-1872,
02.05.23 On Heritage(s): values, dimensions and temporalities
Guest Lecture by Isabel Rodríguez de la Rosa from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
– Main text: Birkeland, Inger. “Making Sense of the Future: Valuing Industrial Heritage in the Anthropocene”, Future Anterior Vol. XIV, N. 2 (Winter 2017): 61-70.
– Supporting text: Tuuli Lähdesmäki, Viktorija L.A. Čeginskas, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus and Katja Mäkinen, Johanna Turunen (Eds.). Creating and Governing Cultural Heritage in the European Union. London: Routledge, 2020. (excerpts, chapter “Europeanizing cultural heritage”)
09.05.23 On Historic Monument
– Main text: Choay, Françoise. The Invention of the Historic Monument. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. (excerpts)
-Supporting text: Bouras, Charalambos. “Restoration Work on the Parthenon and Changind Attitudes towards the Conservation of Monuments: A Theoretical Contribution to Restoration Today”. In: Panayotis Tournikiotis (Ed.), The Parthenon and its impact in Modern Times. Athens: Melissa Publisher, 1994, 326-339.
16.05.23 Designs of Destruction
– main text: Allais, Lucia. Designs of Destruction: the Making of Monuments in the Twentieth Century. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2018. (excerpts)
– Primary Sources: UNESCO Courier
23.05.23 Heritage & Colonial Ramifications
– Main texts: Preciado, Paul. “Wenn Denkmäler stürzen”. In Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Torsten Lange, Daniela Ortiz dos Santos and Gabrielle Schaad (Hgs.), Zeitgenössische feministische Raumpraxis, ARCH+, N. 246 (2022), 156-163; and Heinich, Nathalie. 2011. “The Making of Cultural Heritage”. The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 22 (40-41).
– Supporting text: Delalande, Nicolas. “Notre-Dame: Heritage Emotions. An Interview with Nathalie Heinich”, Books and Ideas, 2 May 2019. URL :
30.05.23 Invisible Files in Visible Institutions
– Main texts: Ortiz dos Santos, Daniela. “Invisible Files in Visible Institutions. Notes on Max Cetto’s Papers”, CRITIQUE D’ART. Nr. 54 (Spring 2020): 123-143 and Mbembe, Achille. “The Power of the Archive and its Limits,” in Carolyn Hamilton, Verne Harris, Jane Taylor, Michele Pickover, Graeme Reid and Razia Saleh (Eds.), Refiguring the Archive, Dordrecht: Springer, 2002, 19– 26.
– Supporting text: Lowry, James (ed.). Displaced Archives. Abingdon: Routledge, 2017.
06.06.23 Architecture Criticism as Heritage
– Main text: Jannière, Hélène and Paolo Scrivano. “Public Debate and Public Opinion: Notes for a Research on Architectural Criticism”, CLARA, N.7 (2020/1): 18-29,
– Supporting texts to be announced.
13.06.23 Preparation for the Study Trip to France:
Case Study 1 & 2 | The Cité internationale universitaire de Paris & Cité de Refuge
– Main text: Moos, Stanislaus von. “First Aid.” In Laurent Stalder, Tom Avermaete, Maarten Delbeke, Philip Ursprung, and Ita Heinze-Greenberg, eds. Founding Myths: gta papers 3. Zurich: gta Verlag, 2019, 94–106.
– Primary Source: Architectural Magazines
20.06.23 Preparation for the Study Trip to France:
Case Study 3 | UNESCO Building & Papers
– Main Text: Schwarz, Katrin. Bauen für die Weltgemeinschaft : die CIAM und das UNESCO-Gebäude in Paris. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016.
– Primary Source: Architectural Records (UNESCOdoc + AICA)
– Supporting text: Kramer-Mallordy, Antje. « The Archives of the International Association of Art Critics, a forward-looking history of globalization? », Critique d’art [Online], 45 | 2015, Online since 04 November 2016, connection on 13 April 2022. URL :
27.06.23 Preparation for the Study Trip to France:
Case Study 4 | The Centre G. Pompidou
– Main Text: Holden, Susan. “Possible Pompidous.” AA Files, no. 70 (2015): 33–45.
– Primary Source: Architectural Magazines
– Supporting texts:
Ruhl, Carsten. “Mythos Monument. Zwischen Memoria und objektiviertem Diskurs”, in C. Ruhl (Hg.), Mythos Monument. Urbane Strategien in Architektur und Kunst seit 1945, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2011,
Piano, Renzo, Richard Rogers, and Enrique Walker. “Renzo Piano & Richard Rogers in Conversation with Enrique Walker.” AA Files, no. 70 (2015): 46–59.
04.07.23 Conclusion
– Closing Debates & Definition of the Essay Projects
The Study Trip to Paris and Rennes takes place in September 2023.
Seminar Summer Semester 2023
Lecturer: Daniela Ortiz dos Santos
Kunstgeschichtliches Institut
Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main
Place: SH 2.103, Campus Westend
contact: Ortiz [at]