M. A. Moritz Röger
Goethe-University Frankfurt Main, Art History Institute
Moritz Röger is a doctoral researcher at the LOEWE research cluster »Architectures of Order«. His research focuses on the construction of architects’ identities by means of autobiographical writing and the influence these writings had on 20th century architectural historiography. He studied sociology and art history at Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, and graduated with a master’s degree (from the Art History Institute) in 2020. During his studies, he has worked as co-curator at Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM).
› 2020 MA in Art History, Goethe-University
› 10/2017-10/2018 Co-curator of the exhibition “Die immer neue Altstadt. Bauen zwischen Dom und Römer seit 1900,” Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM)
› 04/2017-03/2020 Student assistant at Art History Institute of Goethe-University
› 2017 Bachelor’s degree in Art History and Sociology from Goethe-University