Envisioning a New European Bauhaus Stage—A Call for More Embodied Research in Architecture Education
JProf. Dr. Lisa Beißwanger
The New European Bauhaus (NEB) set out to create an updated and enhanced version of its historical namesake. So far, this article observes, the initiative has somewhat avoided the fields of performance and stage work. Yet, these areas were not only of great importance for the original Bauhaus idea.
Embodied knowledge and an experiential understanding of space also appear to be key competencies for the NEB’s intended goals: shaping a positive, inclusive, and sustainable future. Drawing on the historic Bauhaus stage workshop, the article invites to consider the potentials that the fields of dance and theater offer for future design and architectural education and practice. More precisely, it proposes to envision a New European Bauhaus Stage, connecting the fields of architecture and the performing arts. Structured into two sections, the article first provides historical insights into the work and organization of the historical Bauhaus Stage. In the second part, it outlines some more recent developments in the field, introducing a selection of projects working at the intersections of architecture and performance. Reflecting on both, the older and the newer ideas and initiatives, and their inspi-rational potential for architecture and architecture education, it then goes on to outline what a New European Bauhaus Stage might look like. It proposes a decen-tral pan-European think-and-do-tank, aiming to foster embodied knowledge and research in architecture. Rather than offering a recipe or concrete didactic advice, the manifesto-like article aims to inspire its readers to develop new projects and collaborations.