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Performance on Display – Zur Geschichte lebendiger Kunst im Museum

Lisa Beißwanger

Lisa Beißwanger’s book, published in December 2021, examines when, how, and why art came ‘alive’ in museums. The investigation focuses on performance exhibitions and events in US museums of the 1970s. The book illuminates the complex interconnections of artists, institutions, the market, and cultural politics that led to a general ‘eventization’ of the museum.


Live performances are now an everyday occurrence in art museums. Yet is this really a new development? When, how and why did art come to life in the museum?
Starting with the U.S. art system of the 1970s, a nucleus of early performance, this book explores the little-known beginnings of the phenomenon of “performance on display.” To do so, it examines selected performances and exhibitions-from dance to body art to performance art, and explores the role of distribution networks and state arts funding policies. Moving away from the established narrative of anti-institutional performance, this volume rewrites performance and museum history and opens up an exciting cultural-historical panopticon.

511 Seiten
145 Abbildungen

Bibliografische Angaben:
Lisa Beißwanger, Performance on Display – Zur Geschichte lebendiger Kunst im Museum, Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag 2021.
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Coverfoto © Warren Silverman