Mo 15.04.2024
• Escola Superior Artística do Porto
Colloquium Criticism. Media. Memory: Transatlantic Dialogues in Architecture
The deadline for submitting abstracts (500 words) is April 15, 2024.
The colloquium takes place on October 29-31, 2024, at Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo of the Escola Superior Artística do Porto (Porto, Portugal)
“World”, “International”, “Global” and “Transnational” are some terms that describe spaces of experience and horizons of expectation of human interaction. If the “Ocean sea” from the early sailors became the “Atlantic” at the turn of the seventeenth-century, it was only at the late eighteenth-century that the circulation, connections and the makings of a thin political identity compromised with liberal revolutions were intensified, bringing the term “transatlantic” to the forefront. A neologism that seems to emphasize the geographical and metaphoric space of the Atlantic, as a territory marked by diaspora, transitions and transactions: its veins, its routes. A trait still stressed in the twentieth-century, during the interwar years: the increasing impact of technological transformations and the changing geopolitics broadened the scale and the intensity of contacts, estrangement, and the need to negotiate.
It is precisely the intention to think about routes, drifts, impasses and mediations within the transatlantic space – concerning the making of a history of architectural criticism – the motto of the II Colloquium criticism . media . memory: architectural transatlantic dialogues, to be held in October 2024 at Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo of the Escola Superior Artística do Porto (Porto, Portugal).
The colloquium aims to address the history of architectural criticism through a transatlantic lens. This event is a joint initiative between prominent institutions on both sides of the Atlantic, including Escola Superior Artística do Porto (ESAP), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Universidade Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and the Goethe University Frankfurt.
Ana Esteban-Maluenda (UPM); Daniela Ortiz dos Santos (Goethe University Frankfurt); Guilherme Bueno (UFMG); Joana Mello de Carvalho e Silva (USP); Karolyna Koppke (UFRJ); Mário Magalhães (UERJ); Pablo Arza Garaloces (Universidad de Navarra); Pedro Castelo (ESAP); Priscilla Peixoto (UFRJ); Rute Figueiredo (ESAP); Vitor Alves (ISMAT).
Ana Esteban-Maluenda (UPM); Daniela Ortiz dos Santos (Goethe University Frankfurt); Eduardo Augusto Costa (USP); Guilherme Bueno (UFMG); Ivair Reinaldim (UFRJ); Ingrid Quintana-Guerrero (UNIANDES); Joana Mello de Carvalho e Silva (USP); Liz Sandoval (University of Brasília); Mário Magalhães (UERJ); Paula Dedecca (Escola da Cidade); Priscilla Alves Peixoto (UFRJ); Rogério Vieira de Almeida (ULisboa); Rute Figueiredo (ESAP); Silvia Sávio Chataignier (Universidad Autónoma de Chile); Vitor Alves (ISMAT, ESAP).
Instructions and links for submitting abstracts and papers are available on our homepage
For any further queries, do not hesitate to contact: