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23.10. – 12.02.2025

Lecture Series


Fr 01.11.2024


»Architekturen Organisieren«

Mi 23.10.2024


»Housing and co-participatory design: the Collegium Academicum IBA Heidelberg«

Hans Drexler

Mi 13.11.2024


»Urban Habitats and Multispecies World-building«

Daniela Brasil


21.10. – 25.10.2024


Externe Veranstaltungen

25.10. – 16.02.2025


»OUR HOUSE Artistic positions on living«

29.10. – 31.10.2024


»criticism . media . memory: architectural transatlantic dialogues«

criticism . media . memory: architectural transatlantic dialogues


We are delighted to present the II Colloquium criticism . media . memory: architectural transatlantic dialogues. This event is a collaborative initiative between several prominent institutions on both sides of the Atlantic, including Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade de São Paulo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.

Scheduled to take place at Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo at Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Porto (CCEA Portugal), from October 29 to 31, 2024. In this edition, the colloquium seeks to explore the history of architectural criticism through a transatlantic lens. It seeks to unravel how terms such as “World,” “International,” “Global,” and “Transnational” shape and are shaped by the architectural criticism discourse.

Ana Esteban-Maluenda (UPM); Daniela Ortiz dos Santos (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main); Guilherme Bueno (UFMG); Joana Mello de Carvalho e Silva (USP); Karolyna Koppke (UFRJ); Mário Magalhães (UERJ); Pablo Arza Garaloces (Universidad de Navarra); Pedro Castelo (ESAP); Priscilla Peixoto (UFRJ); Rute Figueiredo (ESAP); Vitor Alves (ISMAT).

The colloquium will be held in a hybrid format (face-to-face and on-line). In both modalities, registrations must be made by e-mail:

Registration is free.
​The virtual room and certificates for listeners will only be available to registered participants.

The face-to-face activities will take place at the headquarters of CCEA (Portugal).

More Information on

Colloquium in Architectural History


This colloquium aims to provide a forum where ideas and work in progress are exchanged and discussed.

It is addressed to Bachelor’s and Master’s students from the art history department of the Goethe University, whose research projects intersect architectural history with histories of art, culture, and society.

This event has been conceived by Daniela Ortiz dos Santos and has welcomed Sarah Borree as a guest critic.

Speakers include: Anuschik Zeiler-Mkrtcian, Bruno Filipovic, Maxi Gaiser and Johannes Max Zimmermann.

For information, contact:

Mapping Critical Heritage


The colloquium has been conceived as a platform for exchange and dialogue between members of the Center for Critical Studies in Architecture and the Cultural Landscape Research Group at the Politécnica de Madrid (GIPC). It is open to the public and welcomes students, academics, as well as people with an interest in architectural history, cultural landscape and heritage studies.

This event is part of a number of joint activities taking place in Frankfurt and Darmstadt. It includes presentations, meetings, conversations and visits to partner institutions.




14h00              Visit to the DAM Archives with Anne Scheinhardt  [activity for speakers only]

16h15              Book Launch and Reception: „Neorealist Architecture: Aesthetics of Dwelling in Postwar Italy“ with David Escudero and Daniela Ortiz dos Santos

18h00             Talk by Alla Vronskaya: „The Talent-Meter: Space, Labor, and Architecture in Soviet Russia“ as part of the AO-Lecture Series „Designed Orders“ (Hörsaalzentrum, HZ 8)

19h30              Group Dinner



10h15             Welcome by Daniela Ortiz dos Santos & Isabel Rodríguez de la Rosa

10h30            Introducing the GIPC Research Lab by David Escudero and Rodrigo de la O

10h40            Panel 1: Nicolás Mariné and Graziella Trovato in conversation with Lisa Beißwanger

11h10              Break

11h30             Panel 2: Isabel Rodríguez de la Rosa and Diego Martín Sánchez in conversation with Pietro Cesari

12h00            Roundtable: members of both panels in conversation with the audience

13h00            Lunch: University Restaurant – Campus Westend of the Goethe University

15h00            Visit to the School of Architecture of TUDA with Frederike Lausch



Participants :

Francisco Arques, Lisa Beißwanger, Pietro Cesari, Rodrigo de la O, David Escudero, Frederike Lausch, Nicolás Mariné, Diego Martín Sánchez, Daniela Ortiz dos Santos, Isabel Rodríguez de la Rosa, Anne Scheinhardt and Graziella Trovato.


This event has been conceived by Isabel Rodríguez de la Rosa and Daniela Ortiz dos Santos.

Download Poster Here.


Crossed Looks on Art and Architecture Research. Experiments from Frankfurt and Rouen


The colloquium has been conceived as a platform for exchange and dialogue between members of the Center for Critical Studies in Architecture and the research laboratory Architecture, Territoire, Environnement based at the Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Normandie.




Day 1: Colloquium

14h30              Welcome & Visit to the DAM archives

15h30              Break

15h40              General Introduction

16h00              Introducing the CCSA

16h10              Daniela Ortiz dos Santos : “UNESCO making architecture culture

16h20              Frederike Lausch: “Yona Friedman and Eda Schaur’s Self-Help Manuals for the Global South. Architecture and Sustainability in the Context of Development Aid

16h35              Lisa Beißwanger: “Challenging the system? In Search of a Critical Approach to System-built University Campuses

16h50              Discussions

17h20              Break

17h30              Gabriel Bernard Guelle : “Teaching reinforced concrete at the beginning of the 20th century: a comparative study of the teachings of Edouard Arnaud at the Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (1921) and Emil Edler von Mecenseffy at the Technische Hochschule München (1911)

17h45              Valery Didelon: “In the Archives of Euralille

18h00              Caroline Maniaque: “Mai 68. L’architecture aussi !  Archives et mémoires 

18h15              Presentation by Camille Bidaud

18h25              Discussions and Conclusions

19h30              Group Dinner


Day 2 : City Walk

Morning: I.G.-Farben-Haus designed by Hans Poelzig

Lunch: University Restaurant – Campus Westend of the Goethe University

Afternoon: city center & Museumsufer


Participants: Lisa Beißwanger, Camille Bidaud, Markus David Dauss, Valéry Didelon, Oliver Elser, Gabriel Bernard Guelle, Frederike Lausch, Caroline Maniaque, Tricia Meehan, Daniela Ortiz dos Santos, Claire Rosset and Carsten Ruhl.

This event has been conceived by Daniela Ortiz dos Santos and Caroline Maniaque.

CCSA Colloquium




Kelly Sue Roßmann

Mythos Fliegen – Sakralität in der Flughafenarchitektur

Anne Winter

Carl Theodor Reiffensteins bildliche Rekonstruktionen von Frankfurter Ansichten als Illustration zu Goethes „Dichtung und Wahrheit“

Birte Lebzien

Franz… Wer? Der Architekt Franz Krause zwischen Anonymität und Anerkennung



Moritz Röger

Das Bild des Architekten im Spätkapitalismus Subjektkonstitution im Feld der Architektur in Zeiten der Krise


Contact: Lisa Chalco Bock